
How do you let go of thoughts that don’t serve you?
How do you hold onto thoughts of love and joy?

Well you throw them into the River of Contemplation of course!

Today we chat with Kinesiologist Ali McCarroll and we learn some simple techniques for chosing prosperous thoughts that enable you lead a prosperous life…hooray!

Our health isn’t just about feeding ourselves with healthy food, it’s also about feeding ourselves with healthy thoughts.

Here’s what we discover:

  • Happiness is a choice and it’s always available from within.
  • No matter what the situation, the ability to chose prosperous thoughts, is ours alone.
  • Thoughts of “I can do it,” can actually make you stronger!
  • Thoughts of “It’s too hard, I can’t do it,” can actually make you weaker.
  • There is no one way to solve a problem. We must be persistent and look for alternatives.
  • We must acknowledge and identify our sad thoughts so that we can free them from our bodies instead of storing them as memories in our bodies.
  • Happiness is a choice and it’s always availble from within. What a comfort to know. – TWEET THAT

If you loved our interview, you might be interested in purchasing our book “Bumi and the WOKABUG”. It’s a kidult book for both kids and adults and uses story to teach you how to:

  • Chose prosperous thoughts
  • Make love and kindess a priority
  • Connect with intuition and inner peace
  • Be of service to humanity
  • Understand & practise patience
  • Live in a state of gratitude and fascination

Purchase a kindle version from Amazon.

Purchase a copy from our website under the heading “Buy our Stuff” or from the Bumi and Friends Website.

If you’d like to chat to our kinesiologist friend Ali McCarroll, shoot her an email at [email protected] or visit her website http://www.welcomekinesiology.com

Brian Nasr is the co-founder of Rumbles Paleo. Brain has been involved in the Health and Fitness industry for over 12 years with his journey starting as an overweight teenager looking to turn his life around for good. During this time he has had the opportunity to change countless lives as a fitness coach, educating people on the importance of living a life full of purpose, gratitude and movement! Brian not only sees Rumbles Paleo as a company that produces the most nutritious snacks available, but also as a driving force for creating attitudes of health and wellness in all people that allows them to thrive in life.

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